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Do you know the accuracy level of the pressur 2024/8/5

The measurement accuracy levels of precision pressure gauges are 0.1, 0.16, 0.25, 0.4, and 0.05, respectively; The measurement accuracy levels of general pressure gauges are 1.0, 1.6, 2.5, and 4, respectively Level 0....

What is the installation position of the chec 2016/12/2

How is the installation position of the check valve determined? What is the difference between pre pump installation and post pump installation of check valves, and where is pre pump installation applicable?...

Needle Valve Ordering Notice - Shanghai Gongk 2016/11/21

Time of Beijing of dispatch of sina science and technology on May 18th before dawn message, observers say, hedge fund Third Point CEO Daniel Loeb ( Daniel Loeb ) to become director of Yahoo! Will promote more cautious strategy, which on the one hand is to focus on promotin...

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