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Needle Valve Ordering Notice - Shanghai Gongkai Valve

The ordering instructions for Shanghai Gongkai Valve Needle Valve are as follows:
一、Select and order products based on national standard models. If there are any other requirements or changes to the following items, they should be explained in the purchase contract.
1、Valve pressure rating:PN/Mpa、kgf、CL 、PSI
2、Valve specifications
3、Connection methods: thread, socket, butt welding, sleeve and flange connection
4、Valve structure length execution standard
5、Valve structure form: straight through, angle type
6、The main component materials of the valve. (or fluid medium performance)
二、For all forms of butt welding (BW) and sleeve connection, the specifications of the connecting pipe for the butt welding or sleeve (including the outer diameter of the pipe and the thickness of the joint) must be specified.
三、National and American standard socket (SW) hole size and threaded end size。

DN NPS(in) S L1 S L1 T1(公制) G、RC NPT
6(8) 1/4 14.5 10 14.1 10 M20×1.5 1/4
10 3/8 18.4 10 17.55 10 M24×1.5 3/8
15 1/2 22.5 10 21.7 10 M30×2 1/2
20 3/4 28.5 11 27.05 13 M36×2 3/4
25 1 34.5 12 33.8 13 M42×2 1
G Non threaded sealed pipe thread: GB7307
Rc uses thread sealed pipe threads (circular pile internal threads) with a tooth angle of 55 °; GB7306
NPT tooth profile angle 60 °. ANSI B1.20.1
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