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Explosion proof level, which level is higher between CT and BT?


Ex d  C T5


①It is the explosion-proof mark of China and the International Electrotechnical Commission.

②D refers to explosion-proof type.

③Simply put, II refers to electrical equipment other than those used in coal mines and underground mines.

     Ⅰ——Coal mine and underground electrical equipment

      Ⅱ——Factory electrical equipment

④和⑤They'are the key point we're going to talk about here today.

Working condition Level Gas Minimum ignition spark energy MESG(mm) MICR
underground coal mine methane 0.280mJ

Factories outside the mine ⅡA propane 0.180mJ MESG≥0.9 MICR>0.8
ⅡB ethylene 0.060mJ 0.9>MESG>0.5 0.8≥MICR≥0.45
ⅡC hydrogen 0.019mJ 0.5≥MESG 0.45>MICR

   In the table above, Group A is the least explosive, Group C is the most explosive, and Group B is in the middle. The vast majority of common gases belong to Group A or Group B, with only a few gases such as hydrogen belonging to Group C. Equipment adapted to Group C gases can be used for explosion prevention in Groups A, B, and C. Equipment adapted to Group B can be used for explosion prevention in Groups A and B, while equipment adapted to Group A gases can only be used for Group A.

So, the explosion-proof rating of BT is lower than that of CT, for example, the explosion-proof rating of BT4 is equal to CT4

Temperature group  T(℃) Common explosive gases Equipment allows surface temperature(℃)
T1 T≥450 46 types of hydrogen, acrylonitrile, etc 450
T2 450>T≥300 47 types of acetylene, ethylene, etc 300
T3 300>T≥200 36 types of gasoline, butenal, etc 200
T4 200>T≥135 Six types including acetaldehyde, tetrafluoroethylene, etc 135
T5 135>T≥100 carbon disulfide
T6 100>T≥85 Ethyl nitrate and ethyl nitrite 85
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